Pest Management at New Construction Sites

Pest Management at New Construction Sites

Anyone who manages pests knows how challenging it is. Pest control can become overwhelming, whether it's a family of rodents or damaging termites, and it doesn't take long for the situation to get out of hand. 

Pests are everywhere, from spiders to mice and everything in between. These small animals like to move into new areas to look for food sources or stay warm during the cold months. From the beginning of a construction project until the end, workers do their best to prevent pests from negatively impacting the quality of the project, but it can be a challenge.

Even when construction projects are placed on new areas of land, different kinds of animals like ants, termites, weeds and mice already exist. For example, suppose a company is building a house with a set of woods behind it. Digging and clearing that land will likely disrupt the pests' natural habitat, and they'll be interested in moving into the new structure. 

Because no piece of land is entirely empty, construction professionals must take steps to mitigate the risk of potentially dealing with pests mid-project.

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Steps to Prevent Pests Pre-Construction

How can construction companies find a solution to these pest problems? While they may not cause structural damage during a project, they can become a real nuisance and only add to a worker's responsibilities when they have to be removed.

Construction companies need to plan ahead and implement a pest control strategy. This way, they can pay attention to the more important details regarding the project. Some cities even have specific regulations requiring contractors to have a pest management system before breaking ground. 

It's no secret that the construction industry impacts habitat destruction — when some species are forced to move due to disruption, it can decrease their population size, affecting the whole ecosystem. 

Here are some steps construction companies can use to lessen the chances of pest infestations on their new construction site. 

1. Create a Specific Pest Control Strategy

Because construction sites are typically open and unprotected from animals, setting up a strategy beforehand will make the project go off without a hitch. Here are some suggestions to follow when creating a pest control strategy:

  • Consult a licensed pest management professional for an expert opinion

  • Be willing to make changes to the plan as construction progresses

  • Identify which pests may enter the property during construction

  • Select a type of management option (mechanical, chemical, cultural or biological treatment)

Each construction job is different and may require a unique plan depending on the site.

2. Look for Early Warnings Signs

Once a strategy is in place, be sure to keep an eye out for any signs of pests, such as droppings, the creatures themselves and any material damage. 

For example, when termites enter a structure and take over, it's easy to see mud tubes or sawdust as a sign. Although prevention is a crucial pest control method, solving the issue earlier on during a project will prove beneficial.

Whether wood, cement or metal, each material used should be inspected upon delivery to ensure no pests have already gotten into them. 

3. Focus on Borders

Many decisions regarding a structure's exterior will have to be made, and they should take pest control into account. For example, maintenance and landscaping choices, such as placing plants and flowerbeds 2 feet away from buildings, can help keep a new space pest-free.

In addition, it is important to always seal or paint over fresh wood. It's also wise to make sure windows and doors are sealed tight to prevent any pests from making their way inside. 

These small steps can help keep a construction site clean and reduce the chances of any infestations. Prevention can ensure quality project completion.

Keeping a Pest-Free Construction Site

Be sure to look for early warning signs, consult a professional and focus on getting the job done right without worrying about annoying pests. Implementing an effective strategy is the best way to prevent future infestations and keep new structures safe from any damage.

Author: Jane Marsh

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