Friday Findings + What's New this Week on - January 26th Edition

Friday Findings + What's New this Week on - January 26th Edition

This week check out projects by Weather Shield Windows & Doors, Dero Bike Rack CO., & Allmet Roofing Products. Also learn about architecture rumours proved false, 4 must have skills of an architect, and how to build more inclusive parks in our article round up!

Project Highlights 

Weather Shield Windows & Doors -  Knock Knolls Nature Center

The building was able to achieve the highest certification level offered by the U.S. Green Building Council in part because of its Weather Shield Signature Series direct set, awning and custom, triangle-shaped windows. View the project here

 Dero Bike Rack Co. -PEDRAIL™ Installed in Downtown Minneapolis

Dero and DezignLine™, in collaboration with Minneapolis Public Works, installed the first pilot project of the new PEDRAIL™ pedestrian safety barrier. View the project here


Allmet Roofing Products - McCaskey Home

image © Allmet Roofing Products

image © Allmet Roofing Products

The McCaskey home, surrounded by countless others with obvious signs of damage, represents a glimmer of hope in reducing the blow in the face of extreme weather. Additionally, the devastating events of that day in Washington can teach us the ways in which our homes may offer fortress-like protection during an environmental trauma of such magnitude. Of course there is no way to completely tornado-proof our homes, but, as the McCaskey home demonstrates, some measures can be taken to prepare them for extreme weather conditions.  View the project here.

Friday Findings


Fact Check: Which of These Architecture Rumors are Actually True?

image © Tim Samoff

image © Tim Samoff

Was the Pentagon originally intended to be a hospital? Is the Kansas City Library's facade made of giant books? The fact-checking website Snopes (also known as the internet's first fact-checking website) has recently debunked myths regarding the field of architecture and took a look at claims about architecture, buildings, and city design.  Read the article here.

4 Must-Have Skills Architects Need to Tackle Turbulent Times 


The unique skills that the architect possesses may be useful in addressing today’s crises, whether or not these skills are applied to the design of buildings. What are these skills? How can they be applied? Arch Daily explores the skills of teamwork, interactive thinking, synthesis and seduction, Project-based logic and demonstrates how an architect can use them for the betterment of the field. You can read the full article here.


Building Community Through Inclusive and Equitable Parks 

image © MaxPixel

image © MaxPixel

New parks can become agents of gentrification if they are not planned with all of the community. Often, the unintended consequence of a bright, shiny new park planned with only part of the community can be a change in community identity. So parts of the existing community no longer recognize their own neighborhood. To prevent dysphoria from happening in your community, read the full article here.

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Friday Findings + What's New this Week on - February 2nd Edition

Friday Findings + What's New this Week on - February 2nd Edition

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