CADdetails Launches New & Improved Website

On April 1st, CADdetails launched a new site that boasts a refreshed look and improved user experience, making it easier than ever to access high-quality building product information.

From our homepage to our newly redesigned CAD & BIM pages, you’ll notice how the site was updated with design professionals in mind. Check out all of our new and improved features in this article!

Refreshed Homepage

Upon visiting our new homepage, you’ll notice that quite a lot has changed. Our refreshed homepage showcases our most popular searches through our ‘Quick Search’ function, provides quick access to design content for featured product manufacturers, and displays some of our most popular 3D models with links to their new Design Visualizer and Download Toolbars.


Easier & Faster Navigation

We value being the #1 trusted resource for your architectural projects. As such, we wanted to improve your efficiency with specifying products through our new predictive search, filters, and bundled downloads.

Predictive Search.jpg

Our predictive search finds what you need as you type and offers intelligent search results based on product type. This improvement now displays both companies and products in the predictive search box, making it easier to find the specific product you’re looking for matched with manufacturers ready to be specified.

New Design Visualizer

With our new Design Visualizer, you can instantly access a 2D CAD or 3D model previews of the product alongside its Downloads Toolbar where you’ll have access to additional architectural product information and CAD & BIM file downloads at the click of a button.    


New BIM Toolbar

In keeping with the shift towards BIM, we've added the BIM Toolbar - an improved way to display & download 3D Models, as well as download product metadata and material catalogs, so you can easily incorporate the model into your next project.


Full Screen Orbit Mode

On certain models, you’ll also have the option to utilize our improved 3D Orbit tool which allows you to manipulate the model in any direction you wish and also view the model in full screen.


New Product Videos

You can get a deeper understanding of the product by viewing a product video with 360 degree views, available for certain products.


CAD & BIM Landing Page Improvements

We’ve made it easier to browse through our selection of CAD & BIM files with previews of the drawings and models right on their respective landing pages.

When visiting our CAD Drawings or BIM Models pages, you’ll instantly be greeted by featured drawings and have the ability to browse through our extensive library. While browsing, you can filter your search by product type or MasterFormat - whichever is most intuitive to you.


We hope that you’ll find the new site design beneficial and continue to visit us for all of your architectural project needs.  Visit today to begin searching & downloading thousands of 2D CAD Drawings, 3D BIM Models and Product Specifications.

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