7 Ways to Make Driving at Night Safer
Despite the fact that only a quarter of all driving is done at night, the National Highway Traffic Safety Administration reports that fatalities on the road occur at a rate three times greater at night than during the day. With these alarming statistics for fatalities, cities are becoming increasingly aware of ways to change and improve their roads. Below you can find various techniques that are used to increase the safety of drivers at night.
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1) Increase Lighting
When roads are dimly lit it is harder for drivers to see potential hazards ahead like animals that are about to cross the street or even pedestrians running alongside the shoulder of the road. So by having roads that are more brightly lit, the driver is able to see potential hazards ahead of time and can react more efficiently.
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2) Increased Reflective Guardrails
Whether a driver is familiar or unfamiliar with the road, they need advanced warning of sharp bends ahead of them. This is especially critical at night since the bend cannot be seen in advance without reflective guardrails. So by having reflective guardrails along bends it gives the driver a warning to slow down and complete the bend safely.
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3) Clearly Marked Delineation
In addition to having brightly lit guardrails, it's important to also have clearly marked delineation so that all drivers are aware of the potential hazard ahead.
image © Eric Fischer
4) Channelizer Posts at Critical Parts
Though the example above shows night driving with unfavourable road conditions, one way to reduce the risks of fatal crashes is to use Channelizer posts at critical points along your roadways where safety hazards exist.
image © Dwernertl
5) Speed Bumps
While drivers will have the advantage of seeing pedestrians crossing in a downtown core, they don't get that luxury when it comes to wildlife crossing in the middle of road. By putting speed bumps in areas that are known to have an abundance of wildlife, it will reduce the risk of a driver encountering a hazard at a high speed.
image © SayCheeeeeese
6) Rumble Strips
While many highways have shoulder rumble strips to prevent individuals from drifting off, centerline rumble strips should also be considered to prevent lane crossover incidents and potential head-on collisions. Additionally, transverse rumble strips should be placed at various intersections that are prone to accidents.
image © David Martin
7) Reflective Traffic Signs
Similar to how roads occasionally need to be repaved, traffic signs need to be replaced in order to maintain their reflective property from headlights. Over time the signs become less reflective and therefore present a hazardous risk for drivers.
Improve your local roads by searching 'traffic' on CADdetails and making your community safer.
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