3D Rendering of Architecture Exterior Design– A Powerful Approach in the Real Estate Market

3D Rendering of Architecture Exterior Design– A Powerful Approach in the Real Estate Market

Over the last few years, the technological advancements seen in the real estate market have been nothing short of exemplary. And a technology that has had a significant impact on the industry's growth is 3D rendering. 

The process of 3D rendering involves using 3D data to convert it to 2D pictures with photorealistic effects. Realtors and builders are actively using the technology to create real estate images that look as real as photographed properties to promote new and upcoming residential developments. And the consistently increasing demand has led to a boom in the 3D rendering industry, which is expected to grow at over 20% CAGR between 2020 and 2026

While the use of 3D rendering in interior design has been prevalent for a long time now, it has become necessary for exterior architectural design. 

Read on to find out why you need exterior rendering for better project management and higher profitability. 

Clear Visualization

Earlier, architects would share hand-drawn design sketches with the clients, who would then visualize the entire project with the help of their imagination. Moreover, engineers would refer to technical drawings which differed from the sketches created for designers—this created ambiguity and a considerable gap between the client, the architect, and the engineers. Discord between architecture and design functionalities was also a common issue.

Exterior rendering solves these problems, thanks to computer-generated project images in photo-real quality with a clear depiction of every detail, including elevation, material, color, texture, lighting design, and interaction with the surrounding area. In addition, 3D rendering eliminates guesswork and ensures that every member of the project has the same picture in their mind. 

Improved Feedback and Personalization

With the clear communication of architecture and design concepts through exterior rendering, clients can understand how every element affects the building's overall look. This enables them to provide appropriate feedback beforehand, incorporated into the exterior 3D designs almost immediately. And this, in turn, speeds up project development and prevents irreversible mistakes. 

Easier Flaw Identification

Even if you're holding an excellent 2D sketch, you will still need to put your imagination to use to visualize the project since you cannot analyze it from every angle. This can lead to overlooking certain design flaws. 

3D exterior architectural rendering eradicates this problem. Your team can inspect the project design from every angle and identify flaws that might go unnoticed in 2D drawings, such as an unattractive overhang that blocks the view from the balcony. This allows eliminating construction and design errors during the planning phase itself. 

Visualization of the Project with the Surroundings

With just a few photos of the surroundings, artists can create exterior 3D designs that are as realistic as they can get. This allows the client to understand how the project will fit in with the surrounding when it is finally finished. 3D exterior rendering also offers a clear understanding of the building materials that align with the environmental setting. For example, if a project is in a posh neighborhood, a glass façade can be ideal for delivering a modern look and feel. 

Easier Project Management

Not only can the probable issues be fixed beforehand using 3D exterior rendering services, but changes can also be made on the go after the construction starts. Renders can keep track of the construction developments and provide corrective measures in real-time while keeping everyone in the loop. Moreover, detailed insights right from the design phase to the construction phase help the person in charge lead development tactfully.

Easier and Effective Marketing

Why wait for a project to complete before you can market it for sales? Exterior architectural rendering gives realtors and home builders the advantage of showcasing the project and its details to the potential client's way before the project is completed to secure pre-sales and pre-lets. Moreover, the aesthetic appeal of 3D renders is capable of boosting your website traction better than any other marketing tactic. 

3D renders also establish a visual and emotional connection between the potential clients and the projects, which helps secure faster and more profitable deals. 


3D rendering is a cost-effective solution that provides clients with the most realistic designs. Clients can give feedback and request changes that can be quickly made in the existing files without the need for redoing the entire 3D exterior designs and interior designs. Moreover, investing in 3D renders is always better than upgrading existing buildings and correcting huge architectural flaws after the construction is complete. 

There is hardly anything that can work better than detailed 3D visuals of a project to attract investors and clients since there is a clear link between architecture visuals and emotion. If you are ready to take your project development and marketing to the next level, reach out to the experts at Styldod, an established and trusted 3D exterior rendering company.

Author: Rahul Agrawal

cover image © unsplash

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